Negaraku Malaysia

The Flag of Malaysia, also known as the Jalur Gemilang is composed of a field of 14 alternating red and white stripe. These stripes represent the equal status in the federation of the 13 member states and the federal territories.


Biru tua membawa maksud perpaduan rakyat Malaysia.
Dark blue symbolizes the unity of Malaysian.

Kuning pada anak bulan dan bintang itu ialah warna Di Raja bagi Duli-Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-Raja.
Yellow of the star and crescent is the royal colour of the Malay rulers.

Putih melambangkan keluhuran dan keikhlasan.
White symbolizes supremacy and sincerity.

Bintang pecah 14 itu tanda perpaduan 13 buah negeri dan Kerajaan Persekutuan.
The 14-pointed star is a sign of solidarity between 13 states and the Federal Government.

Merah melambangkan kesanggupan, keberanian, kegagahan dan kegigihan rakyat menghadapi segala cabaran.
Red symbolizes the willingness, courage, bravery and tenacity of the people to face the challenges.

Anak bulan sebagai tanda Agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi Malaysia.
Crescent symbolizes Islam as the official religion of Malaysia.