Proquest Dissertation Theses and Theses Global in collaboration with UTM library has co-organised an online webinar entitled Proquest Dissertation Theses and Theses Global. The webinar was conducted on 4th March 2021 at 2.00pm – 3.30pm by Ms Kurinji Malar (Training & Consulting South East Asia). A total of 49 participants have joined the webinar.
Proquest Dissertation Theses is the world’s most comprehensive curated collection of multi-disciplinary dissertation and theses from around the world offering over 5 million citations and 2.7 million full text-works from thousands of universities. Proquest Dissertation Theses & Theses Global brings you:
- Uncover cutting-edge research before it’s published
- Conduct deep analysis with text and data mining
- Develop a reputable historical foundation of research for your topic
- Add a new dimension to literature reviews by searching extensive bibliographies
- Gather content in arts, humanities and social sciences – where journals are not as prevalent
- Analyze detailed data sets for the sciences that are often abbreviated in published journals