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Frequently Asked Questions

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Just complete this form Book-Donation-Form|UTM Library and we’ll get in touch with you right away. For further inquiry regarding this, kindly contact our Gift and Exchange Unit at 07-5530095 or email to Puan Siti Marlia binti Abd Rahim: Our Officer will assist and guide you for the next step.

Category: GENERAL

Acknowledge us by email with attachment of formal/official letter and tentative of your programs to:

  • Puan Nas Rashidah binti Mohd Muztaza; & Puan Nur Nazurah binti Nordin: (for Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Johor Bahru & Perpustakaan Raja Zarith Sofiah buildings)
  • Puan Nik Masriza binti Zakaria; & Puan Sharifah Radhiah binti Syed Azman; (Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Kuala Lumpur bulding)

The person in charge will provide you with feedback accordingly.

Category: GENERAL
Category: GENERAL

Currently, there is no time limit for users to stay in the library. Friendly reminder, please leave the library before the closing time. You can refer our library operating hour via Opening Hours|UTM Library

Category: GENERAL

Acknowledge us by email with attachment of formal/official letter and tentative of your programs to:

  • Puan Nas Rashidah binti Mohd Muztaza; & Puan Nur Nazurah binti Nordin: (for Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Johor Bahru & Perpustakaan Raja Zarith Sofiah buildings)
  • Puan Nik Masriza binti Zakaria; & Puan Sharifah Radhiah bin Syed Azman; (Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Kuala Lumpur bulding)

The person in charge will provide you with feedback accordingly.

Category: GENERAL

Search the library collection by using our online public access catalogue (OPAC) known as OCEAN via OCEAN-OPAC|UTM Library

Category: GENERAL

Yes, you can use OCEAN(OPAC)|UTM Library to determine the specific location of the item. Simply go to Shelf Directory|UTM Library and paste the call number of book to get the location. *This site is still undergoing process so your search might show no results.

Category: GENERAL

Yes. You can visit other academic libraries for reference purpose and has to bring along the student / staff card. If any academic library needs a reference letter, kindly email your request via

Category: GENERAL

Click here for more details Rule-and-etiquette|UTM Library

*You can also view our handbook via Handbook | UTM Library as the handbook is an indispensable all-in-one resource for everything related to the Library’s collections, services, and facilities.

Category: GENERAL

No, you may not disclose your UTMID credentials to another person. We are not responsible for any misuse of UTMID.

Category: GENERAL
As a UTM staff/student, you are registered as a UTM Library member. 
  • Go to OPAC|UTM Library
  • Click Log in to your account from the upper-right corner of the page.
  • The system will prompt you to login before you can access your Library Account.
  • Login using your UTMID
Category: GENERAL

For more details about library opening hours, kindly refer at Opening Hours|UTM Library

Category: GENERAL

Please reset your password via If you can’t sign into your library account or have forgotten your password.

If you have inquiries with UTMID, please contact UTMDigital at

Category: GENERAL

Library Account lets you view your checkouts, fines, personal information and all transaction history you may have. You can also create a favourite list based on your preferences when searching for results in our OCEAN (OPAC).

  • Go to OCEAN (OPAC)|UTM Library
  • Click Log in to your account from the upper-right corner of the page.
  • The system will prompt you to login before you can access your Library Account.
  • Login using your UTMID

Please reset your password via If you can’t sign in to your library account or have forgotten your password.

Category: GENERAL

Check out UTM Library portal here: Portal|UTM Library

Category: GENERAL

Please refer to the attached poster:

For more information, kindly visit

Category: GENERAL

You may find information on the UTM Library branch here: Branches | UTM Library

Category: GENERAL

Take notice of this before visiting the library:

UTM Student/Staff – bring along your Matric/Staff ID. Make sure to have the card prominently displayed.
External Members/ALUMNI – bring along your Library Card which you have been issued with. Make sure to have the card prominently displayed.
Visitors – please register with the staff manning the entrance. You will be given a Visitor Card which you need to wear/carry.

Category: GENERAL
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OPAC stands for Online Public Access Catalog. UTM Library OPAC is called OCEAN also known as Online Catalogue for Easy Access to Information. OCEAN (OPAC)|UTM Library is the online public access catalogue that provides details to the library collection, including current status, location and number of copies available to ease users in identifying the materials on shelves.


  1. Search the library collection using our catalogue known as Online Catalogue for Easy Access to Information (OCEAN).
  2. If you have searched the catalogue and are trying to figure out the status of the book (e.g. Available, Due DD/MM/YY) and/or location of the item (e.g. PSZJB) see quick guides to item status and location codes. If the book is currently on loan, you can reserve the item. However, not all items can be reserved.
  3. Once you have retrieved the book from the shelves (for Open Access items) you can check-out the item at the Circulation Counter or the self-check machine using your matric card and PIN.
  4. On the other hand, if you are not able to find the book that you want, you can apply for an Interlibrary Loan service. This service is available to graduate student or academic/research staff, which allows them to request for item which is not available in UTM Library. We will try to locate the item in other academic libraries and have it delivered to our Library. You can proceed to the Circulation Counter for borrowing purpose.


OCEAN (OPAC)|UTM Library searches almost all content from UTM Library’s printed and digital collections, including books, articles, photographs, manuscripts, data, sound recordings and much more.

Category: SERVICES

Off-Campus Access is actually a link to Ezproxy which allows user to access online resources from off campus.

Category: SERVICES

Questions about your library account, including any preexisting fines or fees, should be directed to our Librarian Puan Norhafisah binti Zakaria by email via

Category: SERVICES

It is preferable to pay with UTMSmart Apps, although paying in person at the Circulation Counter, UTM Library is also accepted at PSZJB/PRZS/PSZKL buildings. Please refer to the attached on how to pay with UTMSmart Apps:

Category: SERVICES

Register by scanning the QR Code below. Please visit our Library Portal at Librarian-By-Appointment|UTM Library for more information.

Category: SERVICES

You can refer to the list of upcoming classes at User-Education-Program|UTM Library.

Register by scanning the QR Code below or email to to request a different session.

Category: SERVICES

Register by scanning the QR Code below or email to to request a different session. For more information Kindly visit our library website at User-Education-Program|UTM Library.

Category: SERVICES

You have to return all the books before the due date. If you have forgotten your due date, please login to OPAC|UTM Library using your UTMID and proceed to Summary tab.

Category: SERVICES

Yes, we do.

You can refer to the list of upcoming programs at Turnitin|UTM Library or email to to request a different session.

Category: SERVICES

In this case, kindly email to and attached your submission content in pdf format for us to take further action.

Category: SERVICES

We do not distribute the information.

Please email to using your UTM email and our Turnitin team will guide you accordingly.

Category: SERVICES

The person in charge will contact you via email once the materials are ready to be collected. You will also receive email updates on the progress of your application.

Here the guide to check your application progress: ILL Status|UTM Library

Category: SERVICES

We will hold the materials up to seven (7) days at the Circulation Counter. After that, the materials will be returned to their original location.

Please send an email to if you have any inquiries.

Category: SERVICES

The materials will be supplied to you within 14 working days from the date of application. It depends on the availability of the material whether it can be supplied from our branch or other Academic Library University. Click here for more details Interlibrary Loan|UTM Library

Category: SERVICES

You can request books and journal articles that are unavailable/unsubscribe by UTM Library. Click here for more details Interlibrary Loan|UTM Library

Category: SERVICES

You may request through Interlibrary Loan service. Click here for more details Interlibrary Loan|UTM Library.

Before applying, please read the terms & conditions.

Category: SERVICES

1. Visit at our library portal at OPAC|UTM Library
2. Click at My Library Account
3. Use your UTMID to login to your account
4. Go to Your Summary

Category: SERVICES

If you are unable to return your items or if you have any questions about your account, due dates, or potential fines, please contact our Librarian Puan Norhafisah binti Zakaria by email via

Category: SERVICES

You will receive a reminder email seven (7) days before the due date on your registered or UTM email.

Category: SERVICES

You can return the items at the circulation counter or any of our branch libraries during operation hours.

Category: SERVICES

The number and duration of loans depend on the category of users as stipulated by the library. Click here for more details. Loan-periods-fines|UTM Library

Category: SERVICES

All students, staff, and external members who have registered as members.

Category: SERVICES
  • Every new full-time/part-time off campus student and permanent staff members of UTM is issued a UTM identification card when they first register with the University. To active your library account kindly login via OPAC|UTM Library using your UTMID.
  • External Members, UTM Family Members and Corporate Members are required to bring two passport-size photographs to the library and registration can be made at the Circulation Counter during office hours.
  • Membership must be renewed annually except for UTM Family Membership.
  • Temporary staffs and External Members will be charged RM10.00 on replacement of membership cards.
  • Membership cards are non-transferable except to Corporate Members for a fee of RM50.00.
Category: SERVICES
  • You can reserve the out on loan materials by Place hold the item.
  • Go to OPAC|UTM Library and login in to your Account.
  • Login using your UTMID.
  • Search for the materials and click for Place hold.
Category: SERVICES

Kindly email to by using your UTM email to request for student account.

Category: SERVICES

If your UTM Library Class ID has expired, please email to using your UTM email and our Turnitin team will guide you accordingly to be enrolled into a new Class ID.

Category: SERVICES

You are entitled for an Instructor Account.

To create the account, please email to using your UTM email and our Turnitin team will guide you accordingly.

Category: SERVICES

The facility is available for renewal of materials which are not on hold by other users. Users may renew or check date dues of items being borrowed by following these steps :

Click ‘My Library Account’.
Login using your UTMID.
Click ‘Renew My Materials’.
Choose the book to be renewed.
Click ‘Renew Selected Items’.
Take note of the new due date.
Renewal by OPAC are allowed twice only. (This service is not available for UTM Alumni membership.)

Items can be renewed twice only.
Item on hold (reserved by other user) cannot be renewed.
Such item has to be checked in. If there is no problem with your account, you can use our self check-out machines.

This privilege is given to all staff and postgraduate student only.

Item can be renewed if there are no holds for the item.
Fines of overdue will still be charged if renewal is made after the due date.
Renewal is allowed twice only.
Please state your name/UTMID for us to check the database.
Phone number to call :
i. 07-5530017/30637/30136/30044 (PSZJB)
ii. 07-5610302 (PRZS)
iii. 03-26154301/03-26154599 (PSZKL)
iv. 06-974 2834/2833 (HPT Pagoh)

Category: SERVICES

All services provided by the UTM Library are listed here: Services | UTM Library.

Navigate over the Services tab on the UTM Library’s official website to learn more about each service.

Category: SERVICES
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We provide the Carrel Room/Research Carrel at PSZJB, PRZS & PSZKL buildings for UTM students and staff only. These facilities can only accommodate one person at a time and you cannot book/reserved as it is a first come, first served. Check room availability at OCEAN (OPAC)|UTM Library before proceeding to our Circulation Counter for the following step. The key should be return before the closing time.

More information regarding UTM Library facilities please refer via Library-area-facilities|UTM Library In addition, the open study area is basically available to anyone outside of UTM and the general public.


Users are not permitted to drink or eat inside the UTM Library except for plain drinking water.

However, users may consume food or drinks at the following UTM Library amenities:

  • (He & She Coffee is located at Library Lounge, PSZJB)
  • (Coffee Vending Machine is located at Lobby, PRZS)
  • (Cafeteria is located beside PSZKL buidling)

Personal computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and the units for each Library are as follows:

  • (PSZJB – 12 units)
  • (PRZS – Not available)
  • (PSZKL – 10 units)

To obtain information or to download any software that UTMDigital has subscribed to, please visit


We provide the Discussion Room for UTM students and staff only. A minimum user of three (3) person at a time to use this facility and you cannot book/reserved as it is a first come, first served. The following are the seating capacities for each library:

(PSZJB – 6 seats)
(PRZS – 17 seats)
(PSZKL – 6 seats)

You can check room availability via OPAC|UTM and then proceed to our Circulation Counter for the next process. The key should be return before the closing time. More information regarding UTM Library facilities please refer via Facilities|UTM Library.

In addition, the open study area is basically available to anyone outside of UTM and the general public.


We provide the Carrel Room/Research Carrel for UTM students and staff only. This facility can only accommodate one person at a time and you cannot book/reserved as it is a first come, first served. You can check room availability via OPAC|UTM Library and then proceed to our Circulation Counter for the next process. The key should be return before the closing time. More information regarding UTM Library facilities please refer via Facilities|UTM Library.

In addition, the open study area is basically available to anyone outside of UTM and the general public.


You can connect to Wi-Fi/Internet by entering your UTMID and password at Login|UTM

*This service is only available to UTM staff and students.


We currently do not offer photocopying or printing services in any of our libraries.

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After you have searched and selected the title of the book you desire, the call number will appear as seen below:

Please write a note of that number before searching the on the shelf. The call number is located at the spine of the book as below:

You may use Shelf Directory – UTM Library to find the specific shelf where the book was located. *This site is still undergoing process so your search might show no results.


You can access those databases by going to the library’s website and clicking on the upper right corner. Off-Campus-Access|UTM Library


Yes. If the item is available on shelf, you will see the Status as Available.

If it currently on loan, the Date Due column will display “DD/MM/YY” and the Status is Check out.


LESTARI-OPAC searches almost all content from UTM Library’s printed and digital collections, including books, articles, photographs, manuscripts, data, sound recordings and much more. More details are available at Portal|UTM Library or start searching via OCEAN-OPAC|UTM Library.


Refer the poster and the description below:

Basic search:

  1. Search the library collection using our catalog known as LESTARI-OPAC|UTM Library. Type any keyword upon the search engine.
  2. You can refine the result of your searching by limiting the fields given.
  3. You can also set the library building within the area of your study.

Advanced search:

You can also use Advanced search|UTM Library by exclude or apply any combination to limit your search with, including item type, location, publication date, language, audience, content or even the format. It is accessible via the tab beneath the search engine.

Tags: Collection, OPAC

If the article is unsubscribed by UTM Library, you cannot download it. However, you can apply through Interlibrary Loan to request the articles. For more details, go to Interlibrary loan|UTM Library to use the service. Terms and conditions apply.


Basically, the library has varieties of printed collection such as books, bound journals, audio visuals, maps and aerial photographs. For more details, kindly refer at Collections|UTM. library To find out if the collection is available, please use our OPAC (OCEAN) at OPAC|UTM Library. You can limit your search results by using the Advanced search function.


Subscribed e-books can be accessed both on and off campus via EZProxy|UTM Library. Please enter your UTMID to log in. Make sure to logout properly after accessing the resources.

Please keep in mind to avoid the following:

1. Opening multiple tabs at a time.
2. Downloading more than 5 chapters/articles at a time.
3. Downloading more than 100MB in 15 minutes.

Contact us by email at for assistance.


Subscribed e-journals can be accessed both on and off campus via EZproxy|UTM Library. Please enter your UTMID to log in. Make sure to logout properly after accessing the resources.

Please keep in mind to avoid the following:

1. Opening multiple tabs at a time.
2. Downloading more than 5 chapters/articles at a time.
3. Downloading more than 100MB in 15 minutes.

Contact us by email at for assistance.


Past year exam papers can be searched for and downloaded at DMS|UTM Library. It is divided into two sections, subject categories and faculty. There is no answer scheme attached with the exam papers.


If this happens, kindly clear cache/browsing history and try to login again with the latest Mozilla Firefox browser. Make sure to logout properly after accessing the online databases.

Please keep in mind to avoid the following:
1. Opening multiple tabs at a time.
2. Downloading more than 5 chapters/articles at a time.
3. Downloading more than 100MB in 15 minutes.


Please make sure you are at the correct site (Restricted Repository) on our DMS|UTM Library. Then you will be able to download it.

Please read the attached for information on how to log in:


Subscribed online databases can be accessed both on and off campus via EZproxy|UTM Library. Please enter your UTMID to log in. Make sure to logout properly after accessing the resources.

Please keep in mind to avoid the following:

1. Opening multiple tabs at a time.
2. Downloading more than 5 chapters/articles at a time.
3. Downloading more than 100MB in 15 minutes.

Contact us by email at for assistance.


UTM Theses can be search for and download at DMS|UTM Library. Kindly login with your UTMID. Please read the attached for information on how to log in:

All results reflect the theses whenever the UTM Library receives from faculties and be uploaded into DMS|UTM Library. If you were unable to locate the theses, please contact us by email to Make sure to log out properly after utilizing the resources.


There is no answer scheme available because UTM Library only receives exam papers from the faculty.


UTM Library has a wide range of electronic materials, which can be found at E-Resources|UTM Library.

Subscribed online databases can be accessed both on and off campus via EZproxy|UTM Library. Please enter your UTMID to log in. Make sure to logout properly after accessing the resources.

Please keep in mind to avoid the following:

1. Opening multiple tabs at a time.
2. Downloading more than 5 chapters/articles at a time.
3. Downloading more than 100MB in 15 minutes.

Contact us by email at for assistance.

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Submit the following item(s) / document(s) to Acquisition Unit :

i. The book(s) you have purchased earlier. Make sure the book(s) is in good condition.
ii. A copy of Research Grant by stating the validity period of research project.
iii. Research Information Searching Service Form (Form PSZ3.11 ) : filled in 3 copies
iv. E-form UTMFin – (claiming)
v. Original receipt(s) / a copy of credit card statement / any proof of payment verified by project leader with signature and official stamp.

*Verification letter of book(s) purchase will be issued by library to Research Management Centre (RMC).


Student is not eligible for suggesting new title(s) but you may forward your suggestion to your lecturer for her/his consideration. There are two categories of individual eligible for suggesting new title(s) as follows :

i. Academic staff
ii. Management & professional staff

Please submit your suggestion to Puan Muzaimah Mohd Yunus ( via email.


Before you suggest any titles for library collection, please check via OPAC|UTM Library

Library might already had the title.
If the title is unavailable in the OPAC, forward your suggestion as follows :
i. Submit Request Order Form to Librarian on duty at the Research Support Consultant Desk, level 3, Sultanah Zanariah Library (UTMJB campus)
ii. Email your suggestion to Acquisition Librarian as follows :
UTMJB campus :

UTMKL campus :


Two methods of acquiring new titles are as follows :

i. Every year library will be sending our registered book suppliers to respective faculty / school with current catalogues. Academic staff have to make title selection accordingly. Library would purchase new title(s) based on the selection.
ii. Purchasing new title(s) also being made when library receiving new title(s) suggestion from time to time.


Only academic staff as well as management & professional staff are eligible to suggest new titles. Suggestions will be checked by our Acquisition Unit. Purchasing the suggested title depends on the balance of current allocation. Purchasing will be cancelled because of certain factors such as out of stock, out of print, etc.

Before you suggest any titles for library collection, please check via OPAC|UTM Library as we might already had the title. If the title is unavailable in the OPAC, forward your suggestion as follows :

i. Submit Request Order Form to Librarian on duty at the Research Support Consultant Desk, (PSZJB/PRZS/PSZKL)
ii. Email your suggestion to Acquisition Librarian as follows : (UTMJB / (UTMKL
List of details needed are as follows : i. Title ii. Author / editor iii. ISBN / eISBN iv. Edition (if any) v. Volume (if any) vi. Publisher vii. Year


Just complete this form Book-Donation-Form|UTM Library and we’ll get in touch with you right away. For further inquiry regarding this, kindly contact our Gift and Exchange Unit at 07-5530095 or email : Our Officer will assist and guide you for the next step.

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Submit the following item(s) / document(s) to Acquisition Unit :

i. The book(s) you have purchased earlier. Make sure the book(s) is in good condition.
ii. A copy of Research Grant by stating the validity period of research project.
iii. Research Information Searching Service Form (Form PSZ3.11 ) : filled in 3 copies
iv. E-form UTMFin – (claiming)
v. Original receipt(s) / a copy of credit card statement / any proof of payment verified by project leader with signature and official stamp.

*Verification letter of book(s) purchase will be issued by library to Research Management Centre (RMC).


Student is not eligible for suggesting new title(s) but you may forward your suggestion to your lecturer for her/his consideration. There are two categories of individual eligible for suggesting new title(s) as follows :

i. Academic staff
ii. Management & professional staff

Please submit your suggestion to Puan Muzaimah Mohd Yunus ( via email.


Before you suggest any titles for library collection, please check via OPAC|UTM Library

Library might already had the title.
If the title is unavailable in the OPAC, forward your suggestion as follows :
i. Submit Request Order Form to Librarian on duty at the Research Support Consultant Desk, level 3, Sultanah Zanariah Library (UTMJB campus)
ii. Email your suggestion to Acquisition Librarian as follows :
UTMJB campus :

UTMKL campus :


Two methods of acquiring new titles are as follows :

i. Every year library will be sending our registered book suppliers to respective faculty / school with current catalogues. Academic staff have to make title selection accordingly. Library would purchase new title(s) based on the selection.
ii. Purchasing new title(s) also being made when library receiving new title(s) suggestion from time to time.


Only academic staff as well as management & professional staff are eligible to suggest new titles. Suggestions will be checked by our Acquisition Unit. Purchasing the suggested title depends on the balance of current allocation. Purchasing will be cancelled because of certain factors such as out of stock, out of print, etc.

Before you suggest any titles for library collection, please check via OPAC|UTM Library as we might already had the title. If the title is unavailable in the OPAC, forward your suggestion as follows :

i. Submit Request Order Form to Librarian on duty at the Research Support Consultant Desk, (PSZJB/PRZS/PSZKL)
ii. Email your suggestion to Acquisition Librarian as follows : (UTMJB / (UTMKL
List of details needed are as follows : i. Title ii. Author / editor iii. ISBN / eISBN iv. Edition (if any) v. Volume (if any) vi. Publisher vii. Year


We provide the Carrel Room/Research Carrel at PSZJB, PRZS & PSZKL buildings for UTM students and staff only. These facilities can only accommodate one person at a time and you cannot book/reserved as it is a first come, first served. Check room availability at OCEAN (OPAC)|UTM Library before proceeding to our Circulation Counter for the following step. The key should be return before the closing time.

More information regarding UTM Library facilities please refer via Library-area-facilities|UTM Library In addition, the open study area is basically available to anyone outside of UTM and the general public.


Users are not permitted to drink or eat inside the UTM Library except for plain drinking water.

However, users may consume food or drinks at the following UTM Library amenities:

  • (He & She Coffee is located at Library Lounge, PSZJB)
  • (Coffee Vending Machine is located at Lobby, PRZS)
  • (Cafeteria is located beside PSZKL buidling)

Personal computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and the units for each Library are as follows:

  • (PSZJB – 12 units)
  • (PRZS – Not available)
  • (PSZKL – 10 units)

To obtain information or to download any software that UTMDigital has subscribed to, please visit


Just complete this form Book-Donation-Form|UTM Library and we’ll get in touch with you right away. For further inquiry regarding this, kindly contact our Gift and Exchange Unit at 07-5530095 or email to Puan Siti Marlia binti Abd Rahim: Our Officer will assist and guide you for the next step.

Category: GENERAL

Just complete this form Book-Donation-Form|UTM Library and we’ll get in touch with you right away. For further inquiry regarding this, kindly contact our Gift and Exchange Unit at 07-5530095 or email : Our Officer will assist and guide you for the next step.


Acknowledge us by email with attachment of formal/official letter and tentative of your programs to:

  • Puan Nas Rashidah binti Mohd Muztaza; & Puan Nur Nazurah binti Nordin: (for Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Johor Bahru & Perpustakaan Raja Zarith Sofiah buildings)
  • Puan Nik Masriza binti Zakaria; & Puan Sharifah Radhiah binti Syed Azman; (Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Kuala Lumpur bulding)

The person in charge will provide you with feedback accordingly.

Category: GENERAL
Category: GENERAL

Currently, there is no time limit for users to stay in the library. Friendly reminder, please leave the library before the closing time. You can refer our library operating hour via Opening Hours|UTM Library

Category: GENERAL

Acknowledge us by email with attachment of formal/official letter and tentative of your programs to:

  • Puan Nas Rashidah binti Mohd Muztaza; & Puan Nur Nazurah binti Nordin: (for Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Johor Bahru & Perpustakaan Raja Zarith Sofiah buildings)
  • Puan Nik Masriza binti Zakaria; & Puan Sharifah Radhiah bin Syed Azman; (Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Kuala Lumpur bulding)

The person in charge will provide you with feedback accordingly.

Category: GENERAL


OPAC stands for Online Public Access Catalog. UTM Library OPAC is called OCEAN also known as Online Catalogue for Easy Access to Information. OCEAN (OPAC)|UTM Library is the online public access catalogue that provides details to the library collection, including current status, location and number of copies available to ease users in identifying the materials on shelves.


  1. Search the library collection using our catalogue known as Online Catalogue for Easy Access to Information (OCEAN).
  2. If you have searched the catalogue and are trying to figure out the status of the book (e.g. Available, Due DD/MM/YY) and/or location of the item (e.g. PSZJB) see quick guides to item status and location codes. If the book is currently on loan, you can reserve the item. However, not all items can be reserved.
  3. Once you have retrieved the book from the shelves (for Open Access items) you can check-out the item at the Circulation Counter or the self-check machine using your matric card and PIN.
  4. On the other hand, if you are not able to find the book that you want, you can apply for an Interlibrary Loan service. This service is available to graduate student or academic/research staff, which allows them to request for item which is not available in UTM Library. We will try to locate the item in other academic libraries and have it delivered to our Library. You can proceed to the Circulation Counter for borrowing purpose.


OCEAN (OPAC)|UTM Library searches almost all content from UTM Library’s printed and digital collections, including books, articles, photographs, manuscripts, data, sound recordings and much more.

Category: SERVICES

After you have searched and selected the title of the book you desire, the call number will appear as seen below:

Please write a note of that number before searching the on the shelf. The call number is located at the spine of the book as below:

You may use Shelf Directory – UTM Library to find the specific shelf where the book was located. *This site is still undergoing process so your search might show no results.


Off-Campus Access is actually a link to Ezproxy which allows user to access online resources from off campus.

Category: SERVICES

You can access those databases by going to the library’s website and clicking on the upper right corner. Off-Campus-Access|UTM Library


Questions about your library account, including any preexisting fines or fees, should be directed to our Librarian Puan Norhafisah binti Zakaria by email via

Category: SERVICES

Yes. If the item is available on shelf, you will see the Status as Available.

If it currently on loan, the Date Due column will display “DD/MM/YY” and the Status is Check out.


LESTARI-OPAC searches almost all content from UTM Library’s printed and digital collections, including books, articles, photographs, manuscripts, data, sound recordings and much more. More details are available at Portal|UTM Library or start searching via OCEAN-OPAC|UTM Library.


Refer the poster and the description below:

Basic search:

  1. Search the library collection using our catalog known as LESTARI-OPAC|UTM Library. Type any keyword upon the search engine.
  2. You can refine the result of your searching by limiting the fields given.
  3. You can also set the library building within the area of your study.

Advanced search:

You can also use Advanced search|UTM Library by exclude or apply any combination to limit your search with, including item type, location, publication date, language, audience, content or even the format. It is accessible via the tab beneath the search engine.

Tags: Collection, OPAC

Search the library collection by using our online public access catalogue (OPAC) known as OCEAN via OCEAN-OPAC|UTM Library

Category: GENERAL

If the article is unsubscribed by UTM Library, you cannot download it. However, you can apply through Interlibrary Loan to request the articles. For more details, go to Interlibrary loan|UTM Library to use the service. Terms and conditions apply.


It is preferable to pay with UTMSmart Apps, although paying in person at the Circulation Counter, UTM Library is also accepted at PSZJB/PRZS/PSZKL buildings. Please refer to the attached on how to pay with UTMSmart Apps:

Category: SERVICES

Register by scanning the QR Code below. Please visit our Library Portal at Librarian-By-Appointment|UTM Library for more information.

Category: SERVICES

Yes, you can use OCEAN(OPAC)|UTM Library to determine the specific location of the item. Simply go to Shelf Directory|UTM Library and paste the call number of book to get the location. *This site is still undergoing process so your search might show no results.

Category: GENERAL

You can refer to the list of upcoming classes at User-Education-Program|UTM Library.

Register by scanning the QR Code below or email to to request a different session.

Category: SERVICES

Register by scanning the QR Code below or email to to request a different session. For more information Kindly visit our library website at User-Education-Program|UTM Library.

Category: SERVICES

You have to return all the books before the due date. If you have forgotten your due date, please login to OPAC|UTM Library using your UTMID and proceed to Summary tab.

Category: SERVICES

We provide the Discussion Room for UTM students and staff only. A minimum user of three (3) person at a time to use this facility and you cannot book/reserved as it is a first come, first served. The following are the seating capacities for each library:

(PSZJB – 6 seats)
(PRZS – 17 seats)
(PSZKL – 6 seats)

You can check room availability via OPAC|UTM and then proceed to our Circulation Counter for the next process. The key should be return before the closing time. More information regarding UTM Library facilities please refer via Facilities|UTM Library.

In addition, the open study area is basically available to anyone outside of UTM and the general public.


We provide the Carrel Room/Research Carrel for UTM students and staff only. This facility can only accommodate one person at a time and you cannot book/reserved as it is a first come, first served. You can check room availability via OPAC|UTM Library and then proceed to our Circulation Counter for the next process. The key should be return before the closing time. More information regarding UTM Library facilities please refer via Facilities|UTM Library.

In addition, the open study area is basically available to anyone outside of UTM and the general public.


Yes, we do.

You can refer to the list of upcoming programs at Turnitin|UTM Library or email to to request a different session.

Category: SERVICES

In this case, kindly email to and attached your submission content in pdf format for us to take further action.

Category: SERVICES

We do not distribute the information.

Please email to using your UTM email and our Turnitin team will guide you accordingly.

Category: SERVICES

The person in charge will contact you via email once the materials are ready to be collected. You will also receive email updates on the progress of your application.

Here the guide to check your application progress: ILL Status|UTM Library

Category: SERVICES

We will hold the materials up to seven (7) days at the Circulation Counter. After that, the materials will be returned to their original location.

Please send an email to if you have any inquiries.

Category: SERVICES

The materials will be supplied to you within 14 working days from the date of application. It depends on the availability of the material whether it can be supplied from our branch or other Academic Library University. Click here for more details Interlibrary Loan|UTM Library

Category: SERVICES

You can request books and journal articles that are unavailable/unsubscribe by UTM Library. Click here for more details Interlibrary Loan|UTM Library

Category: SERVICES

You may request through Interlibrary Loan service. Click here for more details Interlibrary Loan|UTM Library.

Before applying, please read the terms & conditions.

Category: SERVICES

1. Visit at our library portal at OPAC|UTM Library
2. Click at My Library Account
3. Use your UTMID to login to your account
4. Go to Your Summary

Category: SERVICES

If you are unable to return your items or if you have any questions about your account, due dates, or potential fines, please contact our Librarian Puan Norhafisah binti Zakaria by email via

Category: SERVICES

You will receive a reminder email seven (7) days before the due date on your registered or UTM email.

Category: SERVICES

You can return the items at the circulation counter or any of our branch libraries during operation hours.

Category: SERVICES

The number and duration of loans depend on the category of users as stipulated by the library. Click here for more details. Loan-periods-fines|UTM Library

Category: SERVICES

Yes. You can visit other academic libraries for reference purpose and has to bring along the student / staff card. If any academic library needs a reference letter, kindly email your request via

Category: GENERAL

All students, staff, and external members who have registered as members.

Category: SERVICES

Click here for more details Rule-and-etiquette|UTM Library

*You can also view our handbook via Handbook | UTM Library as the handbook is an indispensable all-in-one resource for everything related to the Library’s collections, services, and facilities.

Category: GENERAL
  • Every new full-time/part-time off campus student and permanent staff members of UTM is issued a UTM identification card when they first register with the University. To active your library account kindly login via OPAC|UTM Library using your UTMID.
  • External Members, UTM Family Members and Corporate Members are required to bring two passport-size photographs to the library and registration can be made at the Circulation Counter during office hours.
  • Membership must be renewed annually except for UTM Family Membership.
  • Temporary staffs and External Members will be charged RM10.00 on replacement of membership cards.
  • Membership cards are non-transferable except to Corporate Members for a fee of RM50.00.
Category: SERVICES

No, you may not disclose your UTMID credentials to another person. We are not responsible for any misuse of UTMID.

Category: GENERAL
  • You can reserve the out on loan materials by Place hold the item.
  • Go to OPAC|UTM Library and login in to your Account.
  • Login using your UTMID.
  • Search for the materials and click for Place hold.
Category: SERVICES

Basically, the library has varieties of printed collection such as books, bound journals, audio visuals, maps and aerial photographs. For more details, kindly refer at Collections|UTM. library To find out if the collection is available, please use our OPAC (OCEAN) at OPAC|UTM Library. You can limit your search results by using the Advanced search function.


Subscribed e-books can be accessed both on and off campus via EZProxy|UTM Library. Please enter your UTMID to log in. Make sure to logout properly after accessing the resources.

Please keep in mind to avoid the following:

1. Opening multiple tabs at a time.
2. Downloading more than 5 chapters/articles at a time.
3. Downloading more than 100MB in 15 minutes.

Contact us by email at for assistance.


Subscribed e-journals can be accessed both on and off campus via EZproxy|UTM Library. Please enter your UTMID to log in. Make sure to logout properly after accessing the resources.

Please keep in mind to avoid the following:

1. Opening multiple tabs at a time.
2. Downloading more than 5 chapters/articles at a time.
3. Downloading more than 100MB in 15 minutes.

Contact us by email at for assistance.


Kindly email to by using your UTM email to request for student account.

Category: SERVICES

If your UTM Library Class ID has expired, please email to using your UTM email and our Turnitin team will guide you accordingly to be enrolled into a new Class ID.

Category: SERVICES

You are entitled for an Instructor Account.

To create the account, please email to using your UTM email and our Turnitin team will guide you accordingly.

Category: SERVICES

Past year exam papers can be searched for and downloaded at DMS|UTM Library. It is divided into two sections, subject categories and faculty. There is no answer scheme attached with the exam papers.


The facility is available for renewal of materials which are not on hold by other users. Users may renew or check date dues of items being borrowed by following these steps :

Click ‘My Library Account’.
Login using your UTMID.
Click ‘Renew My Materials’.
Choose the book to be renewed.
Click ‘Renew Selected Items’.
Take note of the new due date.
Renewal by OPAC are allowed twice only. (This service is not available for UTM Alumni membership.)

Items can be renewed twice only.
Item on hold (reserved by other user) cannot be renewed.
Such item has to be checked in. If there is no problem with your account, you can use our self check-out machines.

This privilege is given to all staff and postgraduate student only.

Item can be renewed if there are no holds for the item.
Fines of overdue will still be charged if renewal is made after the due date.
Renewal is allowed twice only.
Please state your name/UTMID for us to check the database.
Phone number to call :
i. 07-5530017/30637/30136/30044 (PSZJB)
ii. 07-5610302 (PRZS)
iii. 03-26154301/03-26154599 (PSZKL)
iv. 06-974 2834/2833 (HPT Pagoh)

Category: SERVICES

If this happens, kindly clear cache/browsing history and try to login again with the latest Mozilla Firefox browser. Make sure to logout properly after accessing the online databases.

Please keep in mind to avoid the following:
1. Opening multiple tabs at a time.
2. Downloading more than 5 chapters/articles at a time.
3. Downloading more than 100MB in 15 minutes.


Please make sure you are at the correct site (Restricted Repository) on our DMS|UTM Library. Then you will be able to download it.

Please read the attached for information on how to log in:


Subscribed online databases can be accessed both on and off campus via EZproxy|UTM Library. Please enter your UTMID to log in. Make sure to logout properly after accessing the resources.

Please keep in mind to avoid the following:

1. Opening multiple tabs at a time.
2. Downloading more than 5 chapters/articles at a time.
3. Downloading more than 100MB in 15 minutes.

Contact us by email at for assistance.


UTM Theses can be search for and download at DMS|UTM Library. Kindly login with your UTMID. Please read the attached for information on how to log in:

All results reflect the theses whenever the UTM Library receives from faculties and be uploaded into DMS|UTM Library. If you were unable to locate the theses, please contact us by email to Make sure to log out properly after utilizing the resources.


There is no answer scheme available because UTM Library only receives exam papers from the faculty.


You can connect to Wi-Fi/Internet by entering your UTMID and password at Login|UTM

*This service is only available to UTM staff and students.

As a UTM staff/student, you are registered as a UTM Library member. 
  • Go to OPAC|UTM Library
  • Click Log in to your account from the upper-right corner of the page.
  • The system will prompt you to login before you can access your Library Account.
  • Login using your UTMID
Category: GENERAL

For more details about library opening hours, kindly refer at Opening Hours|UTM Library

Category: GENERAL

We currently do not offer photocopying or printing services in any of our libraries.


Please reset your password via If you can’t sign into your library account or have forgotten your password.

If you have inquiries with UTMID, please contact UTMDigital at

Category: GENERAL

Library Account lets you view your checkouts, fines, personal information and all transaction history you may have. You can also create a favourite list based on your preferences when searching for results in our OCEAN (OPAC).

  • Go to OCEAN (OPAC)|UTM Library
  • Click Log in to your account from the upper-right corner of the page.
  • The system will prompt you to login before you can access your Library Account.
  • Login using your UTMID

Please reset your password via If you can’t sign in to your library account or have forgotten your password.

Category: GENERAL

UTM Library has a wide range of electronic materials, which can be found at E-Resources|UTM Library.

Subscribed online databases can be accessed both on and off campus via EZproxy|UTM Library. Please enter your UTMID to log in. Make sure to logout properly after accessing the resources.

Please keep in mind to avoid the following:

1. Opening multiple tabs at a time.
2. Downloading more than 5 chapters/articles at a time.
3. Downloading more than 100MB in 15 minutes.

Contact us by email at for assistance.


Check out UTM Library portal here: Portal|UTM Library

Category: GENERAL

Please refer to the attached poster:

For more information, kindly visit

Category: GENERAL

You may find information on the UTM Library branch here: Branches | UTM Library

Category: GENERAL

All services provided by the UTM Library are listed here: Services | UTM Library.

Navigate over the Services tab on the UTM Library’s official website to learn more about each service.

Category: SERVICES

Take notice of this before visiting the library:

UTM Student/Staff – bring along your Matric/Staff ID. Make sure to have the card prominently displayed.
External Members/ALUMNI – bring along your Library Card which you have been issued with. Make sure to have the card prominently displayed.
Visitors – please register with the staff manning the entrance. You will be given a Visitor Card which you need to wear/carry.

Category: GENERAL
c Expand All C Collapse All

Submit the following item(s) / document(s) to Acquisition Unit :

i. The book(s) you have purchased earlier. Make sure the book(s) is in good condition.
ii. A copy of Research Grant by stating the validity period of research project.
iii. Research Information Searching Service Form (Form PSZ3.11 ) : filled in 3 copies
iv. E-form UTMFin – (claiming)
v. Original receipt(s) / a copy of credit card statement / any proof of payment verified by project leader with signature and official stamp.

*Verification letter of book(s) purchase will be issued by library to Research Management Centre (RMC).


Student is not eligible for suggesting new title(s) but you may forward your suggestion to your lecturer for her/his consideration. There are two categories of individual eligible for suggesting new title(s) as follows :

i. Academic staff
ii. Management & professional staff

Please submit your suggestion to Puan Muzaimah Mohd Yunus ( via email.


Before you suggest any titles for library collection, please check via OPAC|UTM Library

Library might already had the title.
If the title is unavailable in the OPAC, forward your suggestion as follows :
i. Submit Request Order Form to Librarian on duty at the Research Support Consultant Desk, level 3, Sultanah Zanariah Library (UTMJB campus)
ii. Email your suggestion to Acquisition Librarian as follows :
UTMJB campus :

UTMKL campus :


Two methods of acquiring new titles are as follows :

i. Every year library will be sending our registered book suppliers to respective faculty / school with current catalogues. Academic staff have to make title selection accordingly. Library would purchase new title(s) based on the selection.
ii. Purchasing new title(s) also being made when library receiving new title(s) suggestion from time to time.


Only academic staff as well as management & professional staff are eligible to suggest new titles. Suggestions will be checked by our Acquisition Unit. Purchasing the suggested title depends on the balance of current allocation. Purchasing will be cancelled because of certain factors such as out of stock, out of print, etc.

Before you suggest any titles for library collection, please check via OPAC|UTM Library as we might already had the title. If the title is unavailable in the OPAC, forward your suggestion as follows :

i. Submit Request Order Form to Librarian on duty at the Research Support Consultant Desk, (PSZJB/PRZS/PSZKL)
ii. Email your suggestion to Acquisition Librarian as follows : (UTMJB / (UTMKL
List of details needed are as follows : i. Title ii. Author / editor iii. ISBN / eISBN iv. Edition (if any) v. Volume (if any) vi. Publisher vii. Year

c Expand All C Collapse All

Take notice of this before visiting the library:

UTM Student/Staff – bring along your Matric/Staff ID. Make sure to have the card prominently displayed.
External Members/ALUMNI – bring along your Library Card which you have been issued with. Make sure to have the card prominently displayed.
Visitors – please register with the staff manning the entrance. You will be given a Visitor Card which you need to wear/carry.

Category: GENERAL
  • Every new full-time/part-time off campus student and permanent staff members of UTM is issued a UTM identification card when they first register with the University. To active your library account kindly login via OPAC|UTM Library using your UTMID.
  • External Members, UTM Family Members and Corporate Members are required to bring two passport-size photographs to the library and registration can be made at the Circulation Counter during office hours.
  • Membership must be renewed annually except for UTM Family Membership.
  • Temporary staffs and External Members will be charged RM10.00 on replacement of membership cards.
  • Membership cards are non-transferable except to Corporate Members for a fee of RM50.00.
Category: SERVICES

Currently, there is no time limit for users to stay in the library. Friendly reminder, please leave the library before the closing time. You can refer our library operating hour via Opening Hours|UTM Library

Category: GENERAL

Acknowledge us by email with attachment of formal/official letter and tentative of your programs to:

  • Puan Nas Rashidah binti Mohd Muztaza; & Puan Nur Nazurah binti Nordin: (for Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Johor Bahru & Perpustakaan Raja Zarith Sofiah buildings)
  • Puan Nik Masriza binti Zakaria; & Puan Sharifah Radhiah binti Syed Azman; (Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah, Kuala Lumpur bulding)

The person in charge will provide you with feedback accordingly.

Category: GENERAL
Category: GENERAL

All services provided by the UTM Library are listed here: Services | UTM Library.

Navigate over the Services tab on the UTM Library’s official website to learn more about each service.

Category: SERVICES