Publication Registration
All UTM faculty members are required to register all research publication into RADIS (https://radis.utm.my).
For further information, please contact norsyuhadashafie@utm.my / ext: 30016.
These publication data will be used for:
- Penilaian Prestasi Staf Akademik (eLPPT)
- Publication incentive claim
- Academic Promotion
RADIS User’s Manual
There are three (3) category of publication accepted in RADIS
- Indexed Publication – journal articles/reviews OR conference paper/proceedings published and indexed in Web of Science, Scopus or ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia).
- Non-Indexed Publication – research article that is published in journals other than those listed in Web of Science, Scopus or ERA. There are two category for non-indexed journal – 1) UTM journal, 2) Non-UTM journal.
- Others Publication – research publication other than the above categories.
Publication Incentive Claims
Article journals that are published in the current year, and indexed in Web of Science (Q1 and Q2 only) are eligible for publication incentive.
For further information, please contact norsyuhadashafie@utm.my / ext: 30016