UTM Library is very much welcome suggestions for purchasing reading and reference materials as a library collection for supporting in learning, teaching and research activities.
Submit your suggestion by completing the form below.

Search your title in Library Catalogue before submitting the suggestion. Search Here!

Suggest A Purchase

A. Note

Suggestions will be checked by our Acquisition Unit. Purchasing the suggested title depends on the balance of current allocation. Purchasing will be cancelled because of certain factors such as out of stock, out of print, etc.

B. Requestor's Details

C. Items Information

Complete the box Item 1 and Item 2 if you have 1 or 2 suggestions only. If you have more than 2 suggestions, please upload your list (file in Word or Excel) in the box below.

Maximum file size: 8MB

Please upload your list in Word or Excel only

D. Acknowledgement

I hereby acknowledge and agree that all requested items made by me will be seriously considered by the library based on the availability of the stock, budget and approval from the library.

Additional Information (if any)
