UTM LIBRARY envision 2025
The UTM Library’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan is an exciting and ambitious plan that lays out a framework for the library to meet the needs of the university community and provide better service. The library will achieve the goals articulated under its strategic priorities while embracing flexibility in responding to emerging needs, drawing on its mission and values of access, knowledge, expertise, service, partnerships, and community.
The library’s desired outcome is to distinguish Malaysian Institutional Knowledge Repositories in order to encourage and promote institutional adoption of open research through the Open Science Initiative, which aims to increase the visibility and impact of research for public benefit, in line with the university’s strategic thrust 4 and strategic priorities 7. In addition, the UTM Virtual Gallery (physical and virtual) is used to enculturate University Institutional Knowledge and Heritage by improving exhibition engagement facilities and developing high-profile exhibition programs to highlight collection strengths, attract new users, and support wider public engagement.