What is UTM Library Research Platform?

“A one-stop platform comprising research publication information, serving as a foundation for UTM researchers to produce impactful publications”

Indexed Publications

Web of Science

The Web of Science Core Collection™ includes the Science Citation Index Expanded™ (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index™ (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index™ (AHCI), and Emerging Sources Citation Index™ (ESCI). Web of Science Core Collection includes only journals that demonstrate high levels of editorial rigor and best practice. The Journal Citation Reports™ includes journals from the SCIE and SSCI.

To access a list of journals indexed in WOS, kindly log in to UTM Library EZProxy at http://ezproxy.utm.my/menu. Each collection list is downloadable from https://mjl.clarivate.com/collection-list-downloads. Although it’s free, please note that registration is necessary prior to downloading.


Scopus uniquely combines a comprehensive, expertly curated abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature across a wide variety of disciplines. Content types included on Scopus are either serial publications that have an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) such as journals, book series and some conference series, or non-serial publications that have an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) like one-off book publications or one-off conferences.


The Australian Research Council (ARC) is responsible for administering Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), Australia’s national research evaluation framework. ERA aims to identify and promote excellence across the full spectrum of research activity, including discovery, experimental and applied research within Australian higher education institutions. ERA 2023 will evaluate the quality of the research undertaken in eligible higher education providers institutions.


Malaysia Citation Index or MyCite provides access to bibliographic as well full-text contents of scholarly journals published in Malaysia in the fields of Sciences, Technology, Medicine, Social Sciences and the Humanities. The journals indexed in MyCite might include Scopus & WOS indexed journals as well as non-indexed publication. The database is available for free at https://mycite.mohe.gov.my/

Research Services

Research Week 2024

UTM Library is a vital institution supporting teaching, learning, and research by providing services and facilities tailored to current needs. It plays a proactive role in disseminating useful knowledge to the UTM community and the public, while also supporting university research and publishing activities. To further assist researchers, UTM Library will organize the UTM Library Research Week 2024 from 20th to 24th October 2024, with the themeEmbracing Digital Transformation: Empowering Research Excellence in the Digital Age’. This event aims to enhance collaboration among UTM researchers and lecturers while ensuring the availability of accurate information to produce high-impact research that benefits society.

Program Schedule

Research Activities

UTM Library regularly collaborates with academic publishers to organize research writing and academic publication workshop for researchers. Our past collaborators include Clarivate, Elsevier, Springer Nature, IEEE and many more.

If you are interested to join future workshops, please contact:
Ms. Haliza Zainal
Email: libsupport@utm.my
Tel: 07-553 0027

Publication Workshops

Other Activities

Research Canvas Competition 2023

In the spirit of improving scientific communication skills and creating a platform for community-based research, UTM Library and Springer Nature, have successfully organized the 6th UTM Research Canvas Competition 2023 starting from 22nd May 2023 until 27th August 2023.

UTM Library Research Weeks 2022

In the spirit of improving scientific communication skills and creating a platform for community-based research, UTM Library and Springer Nature, have successfully organized the 6th UTM Research Canvas Competition 2023 starting from 22nd May 2023 until 27th August 2023.

RADIS Clinic Webinar: Publication Module

RADIS Clinic Webinar Program: This Publication Module was held in conjunction with the UTM Library Research Weeks 2022 for UTM academic staff. This webinar was delivered by Senior Librarian, Puan Norsyuhada Shafie and assisted by Puan Nor Aishah P Mosar through the Webex application.

Majlis Penghargaan "UTM: Memasyarakatkan Penyelidikan Mensejahtera Masyarakat"

Majlis Penghargaan Penulisan Buku “UTM: Penyelidikan Berimpak Mensejahtera Masyarakat” telah diadakan pada 21 Ogos 2021 di Bangunan Perpustakaan Raja Zarith Sofiah Johor Bahru. Majlis ini diadakan bagi meraikan kesemua Ketua Penyelidik dan Penulis yang telah bertungkus lumus bagi merealisasikan penerbitan buku yang mengangkat pengkisahan 14 penyelidikan berimpak UTM

Publishing 101: Mastering the Maze of WOS, Scopus and Non-Indexed Journals for Academic Success

Bersempena dengan Edutech Bootcamp, satu webinar bertajuk Publishing 101: Mastering the Maze of WOS, Scopus and Non-Indexed Journals for Academic Success telah diadakan pada 27 Februari 2024 di Interactive Lab. Webinar ini turut diadakan secara atas talian melalui aplikasi Webex


What is Indexed Publication?

Indexation of a journal or indexed publications is considered a reflection of its quality. Indexed journals are considered to be of higher scientific quality as compared to non-indexed journals.

In the context of Malaysian Research Assessment, a journal is considered indexed when it is indexed in an abstract and citation database such as Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus (Elsevier) or listed in ERA and MyCite.

What is MyCite?

MyCite is a Malaysian citation indexing system and a citation index database to increase the accessibility and visibility of Malaysian scholarly journals. It provides a yearly bibliometrics report on the performance of Malaysian journals that meet the quality criteria.

What is MyJurnal?

MyJurnal is an online system used by Citation and Infometric Division, MOHE to collect and index all the Malaysian journals. The Purpose of My Jurnal is to increase access, to encourage content usage and to improve visibility of the contents of Malaysian journals to the global community.

What is the Journal Impact Factor (JIF)?

The JCR provides quantitative tools for ranking, evaluating, categorizing, and comparing journals. The impact factor is one of these; it is a measure of the frequency with which the “average article” in a journal has been cited in a particular year or period. IF is awarded to the journals indexed in Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports. Interestingly, IF is not available for all indexed journals.

What is the Journal Citation Indicator (JCI)?

The Journal Citation Indicator is designed to complement the JIF – the original and longstanding metric for journal evaluation – and other metrics currently used in the research community. In addition to the use of normalization, there are several key differences between the Journal Citation Indicator and the JIF.

For example, the Journal Citation Indicator’s calculation on three years of publications contrasts with the two-year window employed for the JIF. This three-year calculation enables the Journal Citation Indicator to be as current as possible, while also allowing more time for publications to accrue citations.

What is Quartile Ranking?

Quartile rankings are derived for each journal in each of its Web of Science (WOS) subject categories. In Journal Citation Reports, the quartile rankings are defined based on rank for the Journal Impact Factor and it is defined as the following:

Q1: 0% < Z ≤ 25% Highest ranked journals in a category
Q2: 25% < Z ≤ 50%
Q3: 50% < Z ≤ 75%
Q4: 75% < Z Lowest ranked journals in a category

Which metric should be used to define journal Quartile and Impact Factor?

Refer to Journal Citation Report (JCR) by Clarivate Analytic to determine Quartile ranking and Impact Factor for a journal.

What is h-index?

h-index was proposed by J.E. Hirsch in 2005 and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. The h-index is a metric for evaluating the cumulative impact of an author’s scholarly output and performance; measures quantity with quality by comparing publications to citations. The h-index corrects for the disproportionate weight of highly cited publications or publications that have not yet been cited. Several resources automatically calculate the index as part of citation reports for authors

What is Predatory Journal?

Predatory Journals take advantage of authors by asking them to publish for a fee without providing peer-review or editing services. Because predatory publishers do not follow the proper academic standards for publishing, they usually offer a quick turnaround on publishing a manuscript. In contrast, high quality academic journals take longer to publish articles because they go through a proper peer review and copy editing process. 

How are predatory journals different than Open Access journals?

Open Access journals may solicit authors to publish for a fee, but maintain high standards for peer review and editing. The goal of Open Access publishing is to disseminate research to a larger audience by removing paywalls.

How can you spot a predatory journal?

1. Do you or your colleagues know the journal? Do you recognize the editorial board?
2. Can you easily contact the publisher?
3. Is the journal clear about their peer review process?
4. Is it clear what fees will be charged?

If the answer is no for any of these questions, the journal is most likely questionable, if not predatory. 

How to determine the quartile ranking for publications?

Indicators for determining the JIF and ranking based on the publication month in the JCR:

  • Publications in July 2022 – June 2023: IF & Quartile from JCR 2021
  • Publications in July 2023 – June 2024: IF & Quartile from JCR 2022
  • Publications in July 2024 – June 2025: IF & Quartile from JCR 2023
How to obtain the EID for WOS and Scopus No.?


UTM Library
Bangunan Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah
Tel: 07-5530016
Research Enquiry: libsupport@utm.my

